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Cat’s Eye Opal – Brazilian Magic

Iridescent Green Secret


Who is not fascinated by the mysterious eyes of a cat?

Originating in a desert in northeastern Brazil, Cat’s Eye Opals occur in yellowish-green to yellowish-brown colour tones.

In addition to its lovely body colour, this opal variety fascinates with shimmering bands of light, which run across the whole stone with exposure to light. The linear light reflection is called "chatoyancy" (from the French: chat = cat, oeil = eye). This phenomenon also occurs in other gemstones, especially when they consist of a fibrous mineral structure which runs parallel to the back side of the stone. The cat’s eye effect is best displayed when the gemstone is cut into a cabochon. These stones remind us of the eyes of a watching cat.

Nature rarely grants an opal the phenomenon of the cat’s eye effect. Therefore, Cat’s Eye Opal has become a popular and rare collector’s stone.

Cat’s Eye Opal helps us gain a clear mental picture and to preserve serenity and joy.

Mining and processing

Cat’s Eye Opals were discovered in 1991, close to Senhor de Pamfir in the province of Bahia, Brazil. The opal is found in highly weathered rock in 1- to 3cm-thick veins.